
Qibla Compass to Kaaba

Qibla Direction from Columbus ohio, United States

From Columbus ohio, United States, the direction of the Qibla is 100° E directly to Mecca, and a distance of 10978.4594 kilometers separates the two places.

Your location

Your location: Columbus ohio, United States

Qibla Angle: 100°

Kaaba Distance:10978.4594 km


The location based on map

On Map: The details below it's from the map

Qibla Angle:

Kaaba Distance:10978.4594


🕋 Kabaa location

Where is Kaaba location?
Mecca located in Saudi Arabia country in middle east in Asia, While mecca is city in this country and the Kaaba is located in mecca city. Will about Kaaba location on the map it's have this coordinates
Lat/Lng: 21.42252, 39.82621

🌎 Qibla in Major Islamic World Cities

PlaceQibla AngleKaaba Distance
Riyadh243°795.67 km
Jeddah99°63.68 km
Cairo138°1,286.71 km
Alexandria137°1,466.92 km
Sanaa325°817.68 km
Casablanca106°4,826.21 km
Algiers115°3,927.87 km
Baghdad198°1,399.18 km
Khartoum49°1,005.65 km
Amman161°1,232.54 km
Ankara162°2,160.79 km
istamboul istanbul154°2,406.63 km
Jakarta292°7,920.13 km
Surabaya291°8,561.39 km
Bandung293°8,029.76 km
Medan287°6,645.38 km
Semarang292°8,313.52 km
Yogyakarta292°8,347.34 km
Kuala lumpur286°6,973.89 km
Dhaka267°5,171.96 km
Chittagong268°5,337.45 km
Karachi262°2,800.95 km
Tehran215°1,943.83 km
Mashhad229°2,527.74 km
Kabul243°3,216.61 km
Mecca318°4.96 km
Lagos67°4,251.49 km
Peshawar245°3,401.39 km
Multan252°3,306.41 km
Lahore251°3,598.44 km
Islamabad247°3,527.67 km
Sialkot250°3,633.08 km
Gujranwala250°3,596.33 km
Sargodha250°3,454.57 km
Bahawalpur254°3,308.64 km
Faisalabad251°3,479.57 km
Abidjan69°5,045.63 km