
Qibla direction from Bedele

Qibla Direction from Bedele, ETHIOPIA

From Bedele, ETHIOPIA, the direction of the Qibla is 14.47° NNE directly to Mecca, and a distance of 1489.2143 kilometers separates the two places.

Qiblal Direction🧭 14.47°
LocationETHIOPIA, Bedele
Time now9:02 AM
Distance between Bedele and Mecca1,489.21 km
Latitude, Longitude8.4540957, 36.35522679999997

Qibal in Bedele using map

Qibla in Major Places of ETHIOPIA

PlaceQiblal DirectionDistance
Addis Ababa4.73°1,388.19 km
Assela2.85°1,497.80 km
Awassa5.11°1,604.49 km
Metema22.46°1,018.90 km
Yebu12.06°1,553.41 km
Bahir Dar13.48°1,126.07 km
አዲስ አበባ4.69°1,390.48 km
أديس أبابا4.73°1,388.19 km
ديرة داوا350.65°1,332.20 km
بحر دار13.48°1,126.07 km
North Wello1.26°1,070.32 km
Harar349.66°1,368.79 km
Dessie1.01°1,144.98 km
Bedele14.47°1,489.21 km
Asosa24.06°1,383.34 km
Jijiga346.68°1,378.73 km
Himora23.19°863.88 km
Adama2.43°1,435.28 km
Jimma11.86°1,562.10 km
Bizet4.3°791.95 km