
Qibla direction from Bondi

Qibla Direction from Bondi, AUSTRALIA

From Bondi, AUSTRALIA, the direction of the Qibla is 297.5° WNW directly to Mecca, and a distance of 13241.3244 kilometers separates the two places.

Qiblal Direction🧭 297.5°
LocationAUSTRALIA, Bondi
Time now2:42 AM
Distance between Bondi and Mecca13,241.32 km
Latitude, Longitude-33.89195, 151.26099

Qibal in Bondi using map

Qibla in Major Places of AUSTRALIA

PlaceQiblal DirectionDistance
South Australia300.96°12,120.12 km
Canberra298.64°13,068.47 km
New South Wales297.5°13,236.26 km
Riverton306.26°10,031.11 km
Surfers Paradise294.23°13,347.77 km
Queensland294.05°13,298.20 km
Western Australia306.22°10,024.43 km
Footscray300.87°12,734.26 km
Parafield Gardens300.88°12,117.91 km
Doncaster300.82°12,754.27 km
Bathurst297.62°13,079.71 km
Brisbane City294.05°13,298.60 km
Charleville294.87°12,616.11 km
Jesmond296.93°13,266.78 km
Punchbowl297.55°13,222.32 km
Glenroy300.82°12,736.14 km
Coffs Harbour295.38°13,358.46 km
Saint James306.23°10,031.49 km
Saint Clair297.56°13,196.81 km
أستراليا الغربية306.22°10,024.43 km
فيكتوريا300.87°12,740.75 km
North Lambton296.92°13,267.51 km
Nyngan297.22°12,825.12 km
مقاطعة العاصمة الأ...298.65°13,068.37 km
نيوساوث ويلز297.5°13,236.26 km
بيرث306.22°10,024.43 km
Truganina300.94°12,720.67 km
بريزبن294.05°13,298.20 km
مدينة سيدني297.5°13,236.26 km
Austral297.61°13,199.14 km
الإقليم الشمالي290.76°10,613.69 km
Queens Park306.22°10,033.34 km
كانبرا298.64°13,068.47 km
Bungil299.42°12,920.55 km
Chipping Norton297.57°13,214.39 km
Docklands300.88°12,739.03 km
Main Beach294.21°13,346.41 km
Hobart302.88°13,007.57 km
Wiley Park297.55°13,224.01 km
Roxburgh Park300.77°12,735.17 km
Ferryden Park300.94°12,114.86 km
North Beach306.2°10,012.27 km
Exmouth300.88°9,388.04 km
Lauderdale302.86°13,021.28 km
Bulleen300.81°12,751.03 km
Gailes294.14°13,289.90 km
Luddenham297.61°13,191.17 km
Balwyn300.84°12,751.02 km
Gold Coast City294.24°13,345.12 km
Kingswood297.55°13,189.56 km