
Qibla direction from Chatham Islands

Qibla Direction from Chatham Islands, NEW ZEALAND

From Chatham Islands, NEW ZEALAND, the direction of the Qibla is 296.23° WNW directly to Mecca, and a distance of 15883.8984 kilometers separates the two places.

Qiblal Direction🧭 296.23°
LocationNEW ZEALAND, Chatham Islands
Time now3:15 PM
Distance between Chatham Islands and Mecca15,883.90 km
Latitude, Longitude-44.0237474, -175.93045459999996

Qibal in Chatham Islands using map

Qibla in Major Places of NEW ZEALAND

PlaceQiblal DirectionDistance
Auckland294.55°15,364.59 km
Wellington296.53°15,270.21 km
Hawke\'s Bay295.22°15,487.67 km
أوكلاند294.55°15,364.59 km
هوت العليا296.4°15,297.85 km
ويلينغتون296.52°15,269.65 km
Otago299.35°14,698.68 km
Waikato294.97°15,400.50 km
Invercargill300.09°14,636.78 km
Southland300.47°14,583.76 km
Chatham Islands296.23°15,883.90 km
Gisborne294.82°15,606.52 km
Christchurch297.92°15,039.31 km
Lower Hutt296.46°15,283.49 km
Wanaka299.11°14,738.20 km
Northland294.15°15,294.64 km
Galatea294.92°15,504.58 km
Gore299.82°14,689.05 km
Manawatu-Wanganui295.49°15,384.82 km
Timaru298.58°14,908.93 km
Oamaru298.96°14,868.41 km
Jackson Bay298.87°14,713.25 km
Rotorua294.88°15,467.42 km