
Qibla direction from Gao

Qibla Direction from Gao, MALI

From Gao, MALI, the direction of the Qibla is 82° E directly to Mecca, and a distance of 4222.0685 kilometers separates the two places.

Qiblal Direction🧭 82°
LocationMALI, Gao
Time now10:55 AM
Distance between Gao and Mecca4,222.07 km
Latitude, Longitude16.2639807, -0.0279867

Qibal in Gao using map

Qibla in Major Places of MALI

PlaceQiblal DirectionDistance
Bamako79°5,158.40 km
Gao82°4,222.07 km
كيدال85°4,019.56 km
Timbuktu83°4,516.58 km
Tinzaouaten87°3,834.60 km