
Qibla direction from Tirana

Qibla Direction from Tirana, ALBANIA

From Tirana, ALBANIA, the direction of the Qibla is 139° SE directly to Mecca, and a distance of 2901.6001 kilometers separates the two places.

Qiblal Direction🧭 139°
LocationALBANIA, Tirana
Time now7:40 PM
Distance between Tirana and Mecca2,901.60 km
Latitude, Longitude41.3275459, 19.8186982

Qibal in Tirana using map

Qibla in Major Places of ALBANIA

PlaceQiblal DirectionDistance
Sarandë137°2,778.01 km
Tirana139°2,901.60 km
تيرانا139°2,901.60 km
Kamëz139°2,907.46 km
Kukës141°2,925.31 km