
Qibla direction from Touba

Qibla Direction from Touba, SENEGAL

From Touba, SENEGAL, the direction of the Qibla is 82.94° E directly to Mecca, and a distance of 5904.5326 kilometers separates the two places.

Qiblal Direction🧭 82.94°
LocationSENEGAL, Touba
Time now10:35 AM
Distance between Touba and Mecca5,904.53 km
Latitude, Longitude14.8665572, -15.8994956

Qibal in Touba using map

Qibla in Major Places of SENEGAL

PlaceQiblal DirectionDistance
Dakar82.98°6,071.21 km
Touba82.94°5,904.53 km
Louga83.76°5,915.24 km
Thies82.99°6,013.97 km
Coki83.62°5,894.84 km