From Viciebsk, BELARUS, the direction of the Qibla is 167.82° SSE directly to Mecca, and a distance of 3839.6485 kilometers separates the two places.
Qiblal Direction | 🧭 167.82° |
Location | BELARUS, Viciebsk |
Time now | 6:26 AM |
Date | 2025-03-28 |
Distance between Viciebsk and Mecca | 3,839.65 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 55.192094, 30.215644699999984 |
Place | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Minsk | 163.79° | 3,757.20 km |
Dukora | 164.2° | 3,724.20 km |
مينسك | 163.83° | 3,757.72 km |
International | 166.79° | 3,571.27 km |
Viciebsk | 167.82° | 3,839.65 km |
Kalodziščy | 164.16° | 3,755.60 km |