
Qibla direction from Тошкент

Qibla Direction from Тошкент, Uzbekistan

From Тошкент, Uzbekistan, the direction of the Qibla is 231° SW directly to Mecca, and a distance of 3525.4934 kilometers separates the two places.

Qiblal Direction🧭 231°
LocationUzbekistan, Тошкент
Time now9:49 AM
Distance between Тошкент and Mecca3,525.49 km
Latitude, Longitude41.2240173, 69.2159067

Qibal in Тошкент using map

Qibla in Major Places of Uzbekistan

PlaceQiblal DirectionDistance
Kokand234°3,616.58 km
Samarkand231°3,272.53 km
Tashkent231°3,531.40 km
أنديجان234°3,732.84 km
طشقند231°3,531.40 km
Uzbekistan231°3,548.45 km
Hakkulobod234°3,723.89 km
Bukhara228°3,098.09 km
Тошкент231°3,525.49 km
Xiva221°2,937.41 km