
Qibla direction from Beirout

Qibla Direction from Beirout, Lebanon

From Beirout, Lebanon, the direction of the Qibla is 162.98° SSE directly to Mecca, and a distance of 1447.6754 kilometers separates the two places.

Qiblal Direction🧭 162.98°
LocationLebanon, Beirout
Time now12:20 PM
Distance between Beirout and Mecca1,447.68 km
Latitude, Longitude33.8719, 35.5097

Qibal in Beirout using map

Qibla in Major Places of Lebanon

PlaceQiblal DirectionDistance
Akka166.25°1,487.44 km
Baalbek165.72°1,448.83 km
Beirout162.98°1,447.68 km
Jbail163.82°1,469.68 km
Saida lebanon162.01°1,419.29 km
Trablous164.94°1,498.14 km
Tyre160.91°1,394.11 km
Zahle164.42°1,434.46 km
Beirut162.98°1,450.22 km
Aakkar165.9°1,504.34 km
Matn163.36°1,452.17 km
Mount Lebanon Gove...163.22°1,438.64 km
Wardaniyeh162.33°1,422.53 km
Arab Salim162.37°1,400.75 km
Kesrouane163.63°1,456.69 km
Beqaa Governorate164.41°1,434.15 km
Chouaifet El Aamro...162.93°1,440.79 km
Minieh - Danniyeh165.29°1,500.94 km
Sidon162.02°1,418.54 km
Jounieh163.59°1,456.05 km
Chebaa163.16°1,385.52 km
Habbariyeh162.98°1,388.89 km
Baabda163.12°1,442.70 km
Aarsal166.75°1,457.19 km
Aalay163.23°1,437.82 km
Hermel166.86°1,481.44 km
South Governorate160.94°1,394.00 km
Aaramoun162.86°1,435.49 km
Aalma165.11°1,496.25 km
Nabatieh162.17°1,396.28 km
Bar Elias164.3°1,426.43 km
Seddiqine161.22°1,381.99 km
Bhamdoun163.45°1,436.75 km
North Governorate164.87°1,499.13 km
Mghairiyeh162.4°1,420.84 km
Byblos163.83°1,470.30 km
Broummana163.47°1,445.44 km
Cheikh Zennad165.64°1,513.29 km
Khraibeh165.44°1,430.33 km
Koura164.36°1,483.64 km
Batroun164.04°1,483.44 km
Chouf162.99°1,427.04 km
Sarafand161.55°1,409.99 km
Jezzine162.69°1,398.05 km
Majdal Anjar164.3°1,419.45 km
Fanar163.24°1,446.56 km
Joub Jannine163.68°1,414.69 km
Zgharta165.22°1,494.48 km
Bint Jbeil161.59°1,370.87 km
Btater163.3°1,433.09 km