From Victoria, Canada, the direction of the Qibla is 101.62° ESE directly to Mecca, and a distance of 12069.8204 kilometers separates the two places.
Qiblal Direction | 🧭 101.62° |
Location | Canada, Victoria |
Time now | 12:33 PM |
Date | 2024-12-23 |
Distance between Victoria and Mecca | 12,069.82 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 48.428421, -123.365644 |
Place | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Toronto | 102.61° | 10,495.83 km |
Montreal | 104.48° | 9,996.95 km |
Calgary | 103.73° | 11,561.43 km |
Ottawa | 104.17° | 10,143.74 km |
Edmonton | 105.22° | 11,293.45 km |
Mississauga | 102.55° | 10,517.07 km |
Winnipeg | 104.65° | 11,024.19 km |
Brampton | 102.59° | 10,518.98 km |
Hamilton | 102.31° | 10,553.62 km |
Quebec | 105.67° | 9,770.54 km |
Surrey | 102.04° | 11,978.57 km |
Halifax | 105.18° | 9,349.01 km |
Markham | 102.75° | 10,479.74 km |
Vaughan | 102.72° | 10,492.14 km |
Gatineau | 104.2° | 10,140.69 km |
Longueuil | 104.51° | 9,992.44 km |
Burnaby | 102.06° | 11,976.87 km |
Saskatoon | 105.04° | 11,213.83 km |
Kitchener | 102.37° | 10,580.95 km |
Windsor | 101.43° | 10,822.98 km |
Regina | 104.25° | 11,293.49 km |
Richmond hill | 102.75° | 10,484.76 km |
Oakville | 102.47° | 10,527.80 km |
Burlington | 102.37° | 10,544.31 km |
Greater sudbury | 104.25° | 10,413.21 km |
Sherbrooke | 104.61° | 9,890.97 km |
Oshawa | 102.82° | 10,446.26 km |
Saguenay | 106.84° | 9,670.12 km |
Levis | 105.62° | 9,774.36 km |
Barrie | 103.05° | 10,468.22 km |
Abbotsford | 102.02° | 11,981.03 km |
St. catharines | 102.32° | 10,518.62 km |
Trois rivières | 105.18° | 9,882.20 km |
Coquitlam | 102.1° | 11,966.68 km |
Kingston | 103.29° | 10,268.13 km |
Whitby | 102.81° | 10,451.28 km |
Guelph | 102.46° | 10,559.41 km |
Kelowna | 102.66° | 11,827.57 km |
Saanich | 101.64° | 12,066.76 km |
Ajax | 102.78° | 10,459.35 km |
Thunder bay | 104.55° | 10,752.57 km |
Terrebonne | 104.6° | 9,991.56 km |
Langley | 102.01° | 11,983.95 km |
Chatham kent | 101.56° | 10,761.89 km |
Delta | 102° | 11,988.26 km |
Waterloo | 102.38° | 10,582.43 km |
Nova scotia | 106.77° | 9,083.37 km |
Brantford | 102.2° | 10,586.99 km |
Alberta | 105.24° | 11,285.11 km |
Saint jean sur ric... | 104.38° | 9,988.64 km |